Saturday, December 28, 2013

Box Opening: Cricket (Fairyland Pukifee Zoe)

I'd researched ball jointed dolls for over a year and a half, searching for the perfect doll to be my first.  Her sculpt was (and still is) perfect for the character I had in mind, and she's MSD sized, which I was prepared to work with.  Everything was set... and then my favorite faceup artist, Xhanthi, posted on her blog, Jointed Love, that she was selling a 2010 Fairyland Pukifee Zoe with a faceup by her included with the deal.  I ended up halfway through an email to state my interest before my brain caught up to what my fingers were doing.  Several pleasant emails later, I had sent the payment for my very first resin dolly.

 A long story short, Cricket arrived two days before Christmas, so I was able to open her box on Christmas Eve!  *insert happy giggling here*  She isn't the dolly I planned for, but I adore her already!  I want to take more photos of her, as I found posing her with the treats that came along with her to be even more fun than I anticipated (Thank you again for those, Xhanthi! <3), but I think I'll wait until after her wig, some clothes, and other accessories arrive.  Hopefully by then I'll have made some progress on her first diorama, too.

Let's bring out the photos!  Ah, but first, please be advised that these were taken with the best means I had at the time, that being my Samsung Galaxy S3.  That's right, the following images were taken with a cellphone.  I'm planning to get a proper camera and photo taking setup very soon, but I wasn't about to delay Cricket's box opening photo shoot for that.

Warning:  Dolly nudity ahead!

The Fairyland storybook-looking box.

The box reads "Puki Puki", which leads me to believe it is not Cricket's original box.  No matter, I'm tickled to have a Fairyland box for her in the first place!
The first item found inside is a thank you card from Xhanthi.  D'aww!  <3
Next, there is the Pukifee instructional booklet.
Underneath the booklet, I found goodies!  :D
On the back of Xhanthi's business card, she placed an image of one of her beautiful dollies, Teddy, with her little fawn.  So cute!  <3 

A wreath, a sweet little purple elephant in a top hat, doughnuts, and cookies!  Eee!

I've never seen this brand of filled chocolates before, and I can't wait to nom them!

Extra magnets, check!
Wait, where's the reason I opened the box? *lifts the tissue and removes bubble wrap*

There she is!  :D

Love at first sight! (All the while I was thinking, "Omigosh, she's so tiny!")

 I'm loving everything about this girl!  Her faceup, the eyes Xhanthi included, her posing ability... I'm over the moon with happiness!  :D  Speaking of which, I want to thank Xhanthi for being so wonderful to work with throughout this transaction.  She is a lovely lady, and I can't sing her praises enough!  <3

Now for some more photos of my precious girl!

Cricket: "Why does it have a red bow?"
Me: "How did Grape manage to get on your head?"
Cricket: "He flew, silly.  But what about the bow?"
Me: "He..flew?"
Cricket: "Uh huh.  And why's there gold string?  Is it real gold?"
Me: "We're not pawning the wreath, Cricket."
Cricket: "Awwww!"

Cricket: "Grape likes the holey cakes, but I like the flat ones best."
Me: "Those are called cookies, Cricket."
Cricket: "Coo-keys?  Why?  Do they unlock something?"
Me: "Uh.. No."
Cricket: "Are you sure?  Maybe we just need to find out what they unlock!  C'mon, Grape, to adventure!"
Me: "Adventure will have to wait until we get you some clothes."
Cricket:  "To the wardrobe!"
Me: "Ack!  Wait!  Waaaait!"

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