Tuesday, February 18, 2014

After the Weekend: Back at the Keyboard

So, I'm back after waging war on various health concerns (about which I won't bore you with the details), and ready to post on Tuesdays every week.  I want to also post on Fridays, but I'm only going to promise myself Tuesdays at this point.  You hear that, Life?  Tuesday nights are blog nights!  *shakes her fist in defiance*

Oh, and today's my birthday.  No worries there, as it's been an awesome day indeed, made special by some spectacular friends and my wonderful family.  I love you guys!  *HUG*

Alright, enough of the mushy mush.  On to the cute!

Cricket: "Make sure to leave room for cake, Carrot.  There's lots!"

Second Dolly Haul of January: Hobby Lobby

Remember the small mountain of miniatures that I mentioned I purchased from Hobby Lobby in my last post in January?  Well, that mountain was significantly reduced when I had Cricket hold several of the items.  To my shame, many turned out to be in the 1/12 scale, which I've found out the hard way tend to be just small enough to not look right in the hands of a Pukifee.  There were enough survivors for me to not feel as if I had wasted my time and money, but I've since resolved to take Cricket with me on future shopping trips, wig or no wig.  Carrot won't be able to come along though, no matter how amusing explaining my pixie and her orange bunny to total strangers sounds in my head: "This is my little girl, Cricket, and she just has to bring her Carrot out with her!"

In the picture above, Cricket and Carrot are enjoying a tea set and cake that managed to not be swept into the "Argh!  It's too small?!" pile.  I've decided to keep the tea set in its original packaging while it's not in use, as even with a very gentle test shake the set barely moved once the plastic "lid" was settled into place.

Me: "Now we just need some silverware."
Cricket: "But then I can't eat my cake with my hands!"
There were a few other indoor goodies as well, which I arranged on and around the tables from Rustic Miniatures in an effort to get them all in one picture.

You can definitely expect to see these show up in future photos, although I'm still on the fence about the lamp.  Also, finding the means to get a tiny picture that fits Cricket's backstory into the itty bitty frame on the far right without ruining it is going to be a challenge.

I also snatched up many an outdoor item during my shopping spree.  Cricket was more than happy to pose right in the middle of it all, but I suspect that she had ulterior motives.

Cricket: "Now I have a light I can shine when I need you to wake up!"
Me: "Cricket, we talked about the night time, and the cats."
Cricket: "But they can't get me.  There's the force field!"
Me: "You mean glass, dear, and let's not tempt catastrophe."

As I've been falling behind on my haul posts, and I don't want to be a month behind any longer than necessary, there shall be another post tomorrow in an effort to catch up.  I also want to branch out a bit and share some ideas and projects that have taken up residence in my brain and for which supplies are cluttering up my shelves.  For now, thank you for visiting Cricket and I, and may you have a blessed rest of your week!

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